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Finger Cots Manufacturing Processes

PPI Finger Cots Manufacturing

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1. Latex Compounding               
Latex Blending

2. Dipping                                  
Latex Dipping for Finger Cots

3. Finger Cots Beading              
Finger Cots Beading

4. Finger Cots Removal              
finger cots removal

5. Chlorination (Powder-Free)    
Latex Chlorination
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6. Finger Cots Drying                 
Finger cot drying
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7. Finger Cots Rolling                
Finger Cots Rolling

8. Finger Cots Packing               
Finger Cots Packing


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9. Quality Assurance                 
Finger COts Quality Inspection

10. Shipment                            
Finger Cots Shipping
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